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Monday, May 2

3 ways to make money online

1.Google Advertising
Tips:You can only implement three ads at one blog place them in different places that is visible when readers visit your blog.

What's the advantages of using Google advertising?
Simple,easy to implement to any platform.To earn,you just need a click and pay base on Pay-Per-Click (PPC).You don't need to worry about putting aside any budget for this.Use it for free.

2.Creating your own product
Tips:To create your own product you need to install a software from adobe.Use Fireworks to create all the graphic.The easiest to create a product online is books.Make sure before you publish,you already prepare your PDF.PDF is the default where people read online.Use PayPal,create a button and sell.

3.Affiliate Product
Tips:Promote a product by using your given link,banner,blogging or through E-mail.I recommend you use e-mails to promote.

How are we being paid?
You will be given a special URL.When readers click and upgrade their account through your special URL,you will get commission through the click.

Traffic is crucial for all three,no traffic you won't get any click through to your links and you can't make money online.

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