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Sunday, February 9

Make money online just by blogging

On this article on 'make money online just by blogging 2',is all about creating your digital hard cover and sell it online.Create your FREE squeeze page.Install a 'Buy' button so that buyers can just click and you receive your payment.Create a video that sells (important to learn) and get all your buyers E-mails (crucial when comes to make money).

Now that you already have a professional look for your blog,Great content and blog branding.It's time to start earning at least $1000 or below per day.

Create Digital hard cover

You don't have to be a professional to create digital product or code geek.Just simply follow your selected niche,brainstorming and apply that's it.I will post an article on this topic.

it will look like this.
Does it looks convincing?This is just a Ebook cover without any content in it.Note,your book should consist of,book tittle as for me it's 'Together Success handbook'.A short paragraph what's the book going to share about.And lastly,some picture to make it completely professional and it's FREE.

Sell online

There are various of website that you can sell your product but i only use one booming website where bloggers use to make money.

  1. ClickBank
There's a lot to learn at clickbank now with the new plugins they installed.I will post an article on a step by step basis.

Your squeeze page

A squeeze page is where you direct your buyers after they have done exchanging emails.They will prompted to your squeeze page.A squeeze page is where you explain more about your product that you're selling.

I explain in a video on next post.

Install a buy button

About 90% of them use paypal to buy and sell item.Many entrepreneur use their button to sell their digital products.I will provide you a video to explain further on next post.

Create a videos that sell

For me rather than reading i focus most of my energy by watching videos.It makes me a clear and more easy to understand.

Voice over

Most of the marketers use a voice over to make it more professional and really convincing.
Her are the example of voice over and its not free.But if you want to,i recommend you get a voice over for your videos.


Emails means 50% money and another 50% is still thinking is it worth buying.But i have seen a geek with more than 800 subscribers but still suffer to generate income.This is because,you need to try different ways to make them buy.By doing some gimmick to your product.Like for example,instead of 'buy this product is worth your money' the correct way is 'Our product include a free video tutorials'.

Give them some point about your product or free stuff for them to bring back and watch or read.We have the same character when its comes to trying.Always get free before buying.This is our human mindset.
Both is what most of entrepreneur use to generate those contacts.

I've covered 'Make money online just by blogging 2' be sure to subscribe to my feeds and get great tips and content .My promise to you.
  1. ClickBank video
  2. Squeeze page tutorial
  3. How to create a digital product.
  4. How to install paypal 'buy' button.
I like to hear from you feel free to comments. 

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About Together-Success
We catered a very crucial niche in internet world.As more and more financial problem grow,we are trying to give you the best solution to make money online.Not just by blogging,through all kind of step.We have simple video tutorials as follow.We publish Tips and very resourceful information to increase our readers chance of spotting mistake while on a journey to make money online.
